About Dennis

Caught between a lifelong passion for language and logic, Dennis always thought he would have to decide between the two – until he discovered computer programming. Upon graduation from UMass Amherst where he studied technology, media, and society, he spent several years living and teaching in cities across Spain and Vietnam as an English instructor. Parallel to his work as a software engineer, his routine as an educator consisted of identifying “bugs” in his students’ comprehension and analyzing their root cause. After reviewing and clarifying said topics, he then developed personalized approaches to further hone his students’ linguistic skills, keen to transform weaknesses into domains of confidence.

Are you looking for a resourceful team player with a diverse, global perspective? Look no futher — Dennis is your next entry-level software engineer!


post it notes project

This user-centric platform has been created to facilitate the communication between servers and baristas — optimizing the customer experience.
Tech Stack: Vanilla JavaScript, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS, MongoDB & Mongoose

project one screenshot

As global economic power shifts towards the developing world in the coming decades, learn more about the countries bound to transform into prominent financial hubs.
Tech Stack: Vanilla JavaScript, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS, Twilio, MongoDB & Mongoose

tic-tac-toe project

Play a game of tic-tac-toe with a friend.
Tech Stack: Vanilla JavaScript, HTML & CSS

project screenshot

A full-stack version of the classic to-do list
Tech Stack: Vanilla JavaScript, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS, MongoDB & Mongoose

Dennis is a total extrovert — connect with him now!